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标题: What if-Torte Bus [打印本页]

作者: lzycain666    时间: 2010-2-21 11:38     标题: What if-Torte Bus

What if-Torte Bus

歌手介绍:Torte Bus
有人说带着北欧的清爽风格,表达着这个时代难得的少年心气。这些都对,Torte Bus唱出来的歌在干净的空气里舒缓地流淌着,



“Torte Bus唱出来的歌 在干净的空气里舒缓地流淌着

他们诉说着那些平淡的小事 轻轻敲打封闭的心灵

也许那里藏着的雪地 不会继续荒芜 会融化成许多颜色。”

every romance is moving and purified
  miles and miles i'm seeking. waiting for this kind
  true two lovers are doomed to meet under one big tree
  and no matter how different people like you and me
  the candle burned so soft i felt the warmth and felt it slowly glow and
  While kissing of the dark embraces my somniloquence as fantasy
  always keep it as a little secret
  always keep it totally in peace
  so what if slown down, rewrite the moment
  (at the fist ill-sounding scene)
  what if chocolate not choosing cream
  (if yuo dropped into another inn)
  and what if quickly-loving hearts would then
  quickly loathe, quickly flow
  though quickly tied to make a lasting troth

下载地址:http://224.cachefile12.rayfile.c ... b100768/preview.mp3

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