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标题: [音乐] leonard cohen-in my secret life天籁磁性的男人 [打印本页]

作者: 神达    时间: 2010-9-22 19:31     标题: leonard cohen-in my secret life天籁磁性的男人

Leonard Cohen (莱昂纳德·科恩),1934年生,飘泊在现代都市的游吟诗人,来自寒冷然而富有浓厚欧洲气息的加拿大小城蒙特利尔,英国文学是他的专业。早年以诗歌和小说在文坛成名,小说《美丽失落者》被评论家誉为60年代的经典之作。很偶然的机缘将他带入民谣流域,在Judy Collins的帮助下,将他的诗作配上简单的和弦,开始游吟生涯。他先后出版了《莱昂纳德·科恩之歌(The Songs of Leonard Cohen)》和《来自一个房间的歌(Songs from a Room)》等专辑。

i saw you this morning,
you were moving so fast.
can't seem to loosen my grip,
on the past.
and i miss you so much,
there's no one in sight.
and we're still making love,
in my secret life.

i smile when i'm angry.
i cheat and i lie.
i do what i have to do,
to get by.
but i know what is wrong,
and i know what is right.
and i'd die for the truth,
in my secret life.

hold on, hold on, my brother,
my sister, hold on tight.
i finally got my orders,
i'll be marching through the morning.
marching through the night,
moving 'cross the borders,
of my secret life.

looked through the paper,
makes you want to cry.
nobody cares if the people,
live or die.
and the dealer wants you thinking,
that it's either black or white.
thank god it's not that simple,
in my secret life.

i bite my lip.
i buy what i'm told.
from the latest hit,
to the wisdom of old.
but i'm always alone,
and my heart is like ice.
and it's crowded and cold,
in my secret life.

in my secret life.

下载地址; ... nInMySecretLife.mp3
作者: 聊一聊    时间: 2010-9-22 19:57

很特别的歌曲形式 曲风流畅 节奏自然 像回忆 像讲述
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非常舒服的一首音乐 很喜欢 早上起来听得话 一天的心情都会不错的
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下载下来听听看 我喜欢柔和的声线 跟大家推荐鲍比 汀斯利
作者: gerryzs    时间: 2010-10-6 23:15

第一次听这歌,感觉节奏太慢了 心跳都跟着慢慢的跳动了
作者: wojiaotongke    时间: 2010-10-8 15:11

声音很有磁性 听起来很舒服   很美的声线  感谢楼主分享
作者: qhpiccvte    时间: 2010-10-14 09:48

作者: sexinsex_l    时间: 2010-10-16 16:04

咏诗一般的叙述,悠扬的音乐,富有磁性的嗓音,经典之作。闲暇时间 慢慢欣赏 慢慢品味 慢慢回味
作者: wanye3212001    时间: 2010-10-16 16:05

作者: lookalookb    时间: 2010-10-16 21:57


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