
[原创] 四代机不见得是克制四代机的最好武器


The Zaslon is a Pulse-Doppler radar with a passive electronically scanned array (PESA) antenna and digital signal processing(额,第一句话就是Zaslon他就是个PESA……). The antenna used by the Zaslon is actually a multi-channel system comprising two separate electronically controlled arrays, an X-band radar with 1700 emitters and a L-band transponder with 64 emitters brought together into a single antenna [1]. The antenna has a diameter of 1.1 meters and is fixed in position with a scanning sector of +/-70 degrees in azimuth and +70/-60 degrees in elevation [2]. The X-band components of the radar uses reciprocal ferrite phase shifters that allow the radar to position beams in around 1.2 msec [1]. This high performance is one of the big advantages of phased array radars compared with the previous generation of mechanically scanned arrays which take seconds to perform the same functions as a phased array. The detection performance of the Zaslon radar is stated to be 200 km against a target with a Radar cross section (RCS) of 16 m2, the radar can track up to 10 targets while engageing 4 of those at any one time with either R-33 radar guided or R-40, R-60 IR guided air to air missiles [2].


The development of the modernised MiG-31M in 1983 and later the MiG-31BM interceptors also led to the introduction of an improved Zaslon fire control radar, the Zaslon-M. The Zaslon-M differs from the original Zaslon radar in firstly having a larger antenna, increased to 1.4 meters in diameter and an increased detection range of 300–400 km. Tracks 24 targets at once, engages 6. In April 1994 used with an R-37 to hit a target at 300 km distance. The radar is also compatible with the advanced R-37 radar guided air to air missile(表示基本上就是JX君前面铁的那部分了,改进的是有的,但是完全木有写啥直接改变雷达类型)


An Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA), also known as active phased array radar is a type of phased array radar whose transmitter and receiver functions are composed of numerous small solid-state transmit/receive modules (TRMs). AESAs aim their "beam" by broadcasting radio energy that interfere constructively at certain angles in front of the antenna. They improve on the older passive electronically scanned radars by spreading their broadcasts out across a band of frequencies, which makes it very difficult to detect over background noise. AESAs allow ships and aircraft to broadcast powerful radar signals while still remaining stealthy.

The primary advantage of a AESA over a PESA is that the different modules can operate on different frequencies. (AESA与PESA最大的区别就是前者不同的模块可以使用不同的频率工作)Unlike the PESA, where the signal was generated at single frequencies by a small number of transmitters, in the AESA each module broadcasts its own independent signal. This allows the AESA to produce numerous "sub-beams" and actively "paint" a much larger number of targets. Additionally, the solid-state transmitters are able to broadcast effectively at a much wider range of frequencies, giving AESAs the ability to change their operating frequency with every pulse sent out. AESAs can also produce beams that consist of many different frequencies at once, using post-processing of the combined signal from a number of TRMs to re-create a display as if there was a single powerful beam being sent

List of existing systems

US based manufacturers of the AESA radars used in the F22 and Super Hornet include Northrop Grumman[3] and Raytheon.[4] These companies also design, develop and manufacture the transmit/receive modules which comprise the 'building blocks' of an AESA radar. The requisite electronics technology was developed in-house via Department of Defense research programs such as MIMIC Program.[5][6]

Airborne systems(现存的空中AESA系统,蓝色的均为米国货)

    * Northrop Grumman/Raytheon AN/APG-77, for the F-22 Raptor
    * Northrop Grumman AN/APG-80, for the F-16E/F Block 60 Fighting Falcon
    * Northrop Grumman AN/APG-81, for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
    * Northrop Grumman Multi-role AESA, for the Boeing Wedgetail (AEW&C)
    * Northrop Grumman APY-9, for the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye
    * Northrop Grumman SABR, for F-16 Fighting Falcon upgrades
    * Raytheon AN/APG-63(V)2 and AN/APG-63(V)3, for the F-15C Eagle and Republic of Singapore's F-15SG
    * Raytheon APG-79, for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler
    * Raytheon AN/APQ-181 (AESA upgrade currently in development), for the B-2 Spirit bomber

    * AMSAR, research from the European GTDAR consortium, for Eurofighter and Rafale fighter Radar(双风用的)
    * Captor-E CAESAR (CAPTOR Active Electronically Scanning Array Radar)
    * RBE2-AA Radar à Balayage Electronique 2 - Active Array
    * SELEX Seaspray 7000E, for helicopters
    * SELEX Vixen 500E
    * Mitsubishi Electric Corporation J/APG-1, AESA for the Mitsubishi F-2 fighter(鬼子F2用的)
    * Ericsson Erieye AEW&C
    * Ericsson PS-05/A MK-5 for JAS 39 Gripen. Will be available by 2012.
    * Phazotron NIIR Zhuk-AE, for MiG-35(毛子货)
    * Tikhomirov NIIP Epaulet-A(看名字继续是毛子货)
    * Elta EL/M-2083 aerostat-mounted air search radar
    * Elta EL/M-2052, for fighters. Interim candidate for HAL Tejas. Also, suitable for F-15, MiG-29 & Mirage 2000
    * Elta EL/M-2075 radar for the IAI Phalcon AEW&C system
    * NRIET-designed (Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology) radar mounted on the KJ-2000 AEW&C system(这个应该是天朝的吧?KJ2000系统,KJ---空警?预警机?)
    * Toshiba HPS-106, air & surface search radar, for the Kawasaki P-1 maritime patrol aircraft, four antenna arrays.
    * Mitsubishi Electric Corporation HPS-104, for the Mitsubishi SH-60(鬼子反潜直升机的……震惊了……反潜需要这种程度的高科技不可么?)


A passive electronically scanned array (PESA), contrary to its active counterpart AESA, is a phased array which has a central radiofrequency source (PESA,与AESA不同,使用一个中央电子波段源)(such as a magnetron, a klystron or a travelling wave tube), sending energy into (usually digitally-controlled) phase shift modules, which then send energy into the various emitting elements in the front of the antenna. AESA devices, in contrast, have each of their elements contain its own radiofrequency source. A PESA radar is therefore simpler to construct than an AESA.(相反,AESA其每一部分都拥有各自的波段源,因此,PESA比起AESA更加容易制造。)

Most phased array radars in the world are PESA.(现存的电子扫描阵列雷达多为PESA)
Microwave Landing System uses PESA transmit-only arrays.

List of PESA radars(PESA雷达表)

    * AN/MPQ-53
    * AN/SPQ-11 Cobra Judy
    * AN/SPY-1 Aegis combat system
    * AN/TPQ-36 and AN/TPQ-37 Firefinder radars
    * AN/TPS-59
    * AN/APY-1/2 E-3 Sentry
    * AN/APQ-164 B-1B (Northrop Grumman formerly Westinghouse ESG)
    * AN/APQ-181 B-2 Spirit
    * Flap Lid and Tomb Stone for the SA-10 and SA-20 systems respectively
    * Rajendra Radar[1]
    * Zaslon, first-ever electronically scanned radar in a fighter jet (MIG-31)(于是再次证明,这个系列它就是PESA……)
    * N035 Irbis (see Sukhoi Su-35BM)
    * RBE2 (Rafale)
    * NIIP N011M Bars for SU-30MKI
    * Zhuk-ME (MiG-29K)



[ 本帖最后由 pakucha 于 2011-2-5 10:37 编辑 ]
  • easy100 金币 +5 资料费 2011-2-6 16:06


原帖由 zhenchuan 于 2011-2-8 14:59 发表

我也是搞不懂有什么好争的,不就是有源雷达嘛,连印度找毛子买的那个米格-29K/KUB都是有源雷达,这米格31就不可以有吗?给个不可以有的理由 ...




[ 本帖最后由 pakucha 于 2011-2-8 16:57 编辑 ]
  • easy100 金币 +4 鼓励 2011-2-11 21:45


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